Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 17 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THCS Phúc Than


1. Knowledge:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to remind the knowledge from unit

1 to unit 5

*Vocabulary: Review vocabulary

* Structure: Review

2. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

3. Attitudes:

- Positive about their lesson.

- Students know how to learn English.

- Ss are interested in doing exercises.

4. Competence orientation:

a. General capacity:

- Self - control and self-study capacities.

- Communication and cooperation capacities.

- Problem solving and creativity capacities.

b. Specialized capacity:

- English language ability

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Preparing date:3 /12/ 2019 Teaching date: 5/12//2019 – Class 9A3 Period 33: REVIEW I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to remind the knowledge from unit 1 to unit 5 *Vocabulary: Review vocabulary * Structure: Review 2. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills 3. Attitudes: - Positive about their lesson. - Students know how to learn English. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Competence orientation: a. General capacity: - Self - control and self-study capacities. - Communication and cooperation capacities. - Problem solving and creativity capacities. b. Specialized capacity: - English language ability. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher’s: lesson plan, text book 2. Students’: text book, note book III. METHODS, TECHNIQUES 1. Methods: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by practicing, discussion group,. 2. Techniques: Electing, group work, pair work, individual work IV. PROCEDURE 1. Organization - Greetings. - Who’s absent today? 2. Check the old lesson - No checking 3. New lesson Activity 1. Warm up Ask sts some questions: How often do you watch TV? What program do you like best? Activity 2. New form of knowledge skills - Review structure again a. The present simple tense: The hiện tại đơn S + is /am /are + O S + V1 / V- s / V-es / has+ O Adv: always / usually / often / sometimes / everyday .. b. The present progressive tense : Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn S + is / am / are + V-ing + O Adv: now, at the present, at the moment c. The future simple tense : Thì tương lai đơn S + will + V1 + O Adv: Tomorrow, next week, next Sunday........... Activity 3: Practice: Exercise: Supply the correct tense of the verbs: 1. Ba usually________ (go) to school by bike. 2. Lan ________ (read) book in her room at the moment. 3. I ________ (call) you tomorrow. 4. Where your children (be) ________? 5. My sister (work) ________ in a bank. 6. It is raining heavily, so we can’t________ (go) out. 7. What about (practice) ________________ English everyday 8. I (see) __________________ you tomorrow. 9. John (not read) ________ a book now. 10. What you (do) ________ tonight 11. I usually (have) ________ breakfast at 7.00 12. She (live) ________ in a house? 13. Dog (like) ________ meat. 14. She (live)________ in Florida. 15. Jack and Peter (work) ________ late today. 16. Silvia (not listen) ________ to music at the moment. * With fail students: Ask sts write it on their notebooks. Activity 4. Consolidation T repeats the content of the lesson. V. INTRUCTION FOR NEXT LESSON PREPARATION - Learn by heart the new words and structures. - Ss prepare for next lesson: revision Preparing date:3 /12/ 2019 Teaching date: 6/12//2019 – Class 9A3 Period 34: REVIEW I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to remind the knowledge from unit 1 to unit 5 *Vocabulary: Review vocabulary * Structure: Review 2. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills 3. Attitudes: - Positive about their lesson. - Students know how to learn English. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Competence orientation: a. General capacity: - Self - control and self-study capacities. - Communication and cooperation capacities. - Problem solving and creativity capacities. b. Specialized capacity: - English language ability. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher’s: lesson plan, text book 2. Students’: text book, note book III. METHODS, TECHNIQUES 1. Methods: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by practicing, discussion group,. 2. Techniques: Electing, group work, pair work, individual work IV. PROCEDURE 1. Organization - Greetings. - Who’s absent today? 2. Check the old lesson - No checking 3. New lesson Activity 1. Warm up Chatting: What is the weather like today? Do you like cold weather? Activity 2. New form of knowledge skills -- Review structure again a. The past simple tense S + was / were + O S + V-ed / V2 + O Adv: yesterday, last week, last Sunday, ago, in 2007..... b. The past progressive tense S +was /were + V-ing +O Adv: At this time yesterday, at this time last week, at 8.00 last night c .The present perfect tense S+ have/ has + p.p (V-ed /V 3) +O Adv: just, already, ever, never, since, for, yet (already: is used in affirmatives, ever: in questions, yet: in questions and negatives) Review structure again Activity 3: Practice: Exercise : Choose the word or the phrase or sentence that best completes each unfinished sentence below or that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase. 1. There used to ________ a movie theatre here, but it closed a long time ago. A. be B. to be C. being D. been 2. The children are playing ________in the schoolyard. A. happy B. happiness C. happier D. happily 3. I wish they ________here tomorrow. A. will come B. would come C. came D. to come 4. John ________write the letter to me last year. A. is used to B. was used to C. used to D. used 5. It is difficult ________English in some weeks. A. to speak B. speaking C. speaks D. speak 6. The capital of Malaysia is ________. A. Hanoi B. Paris C. Kuala Lumpur D. Seoul 7. What is the traditional dress of Vietnamese women? It’s ________ . A. the suit B. the shirt C. the Ao dai D. the blouse 8. Rice is ________in tropical countries. A. to grow B. grown C. grow D. grew 9. Two department stores them this year A. have been built B. have built C. has been built D. has built 10. Nga is ________English for her work. A. to study B. studied C. studying D. study 11. He arrived in England ________Monday evening. A. in B. at C. of D. on 12. An wishes that he ________his parents. A. would visited B. can visit C. could visiting D. could visit 13. Let’s ________ to the cinema. A. going B. to go C. go D. goes 14. I look forward to ________you. A. see B. to see C. seeing D. saw 15. Millions of Christmas cards ________last month. A. were sent B. sent C. send D. are sent 16. I ________English here since I graduated from Qui Nhon University. A, teach B. taught C. have taught D. am teaching 17. He _____with his friends in an apartment in Ho Chi Minh City since last week. A. living B. has lived C. lived D. live 18. We come to USA ________English. A. study B. learning C. to learn D. studying 19. She ________try to learn English for her job. A is B. has C. must D. was 20. I wish you ________us someday. A. visit B. will visit C. visited D. would visit - Let’s answer individually - Let’s compare the answer with a partner - T checks the As * With fail students: Ask sts write it on their notebooks. Activity 4. Consolidation T repeats the content of the lesson. V. INTRUCTION FOR NEXT LESSON PREPARATION - Learn by heart the new words and structures. - Ss prepare for next lesson: revision ======================================

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