Bài tập ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 trong thời gian nghỉ phòng dịch Covid-19

Bài tập I. Bài tập thì hiện tại đơn và hiện tại tiếp diễn.

1. Where ___________you (live)__________? I (live)______________in Hai Duong town.

2. What____he (do) ____________now? He (water)____________ flowers in the garden.

3. What _______________she (do)_____________? She (be)______________a teacher.

4. Where _________________you (be) from?

5. At the moment, my sisters (play)____________volleyball and my brother (play) ________________soccer.

6. it is 9.00; my family (watch)___________________TV.


doc7 trang | Chia sẻ: Chiến Thắng | Ngày: 24/04/2023 | Lượt xem: 227 | Lượt tải: 0download
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BÀI TẬP ÔN TẬP LỚP 6 Trong thời gian nghỉ phòng dịch Covid-19 Bài tập I. Bài tập thì hiện tại đơn và hiện tại tiếp diễn. 1. Where ___________you (live)__________? I (live)______________in Hai Duong town. 2. What____he (do) ____________now? He (water)____________ flowers in the garden. 3. What _______________she (do)_____________? She (be)______________a teacher. 4. Where _________________you (be) from? 5. At the moment, my sisters (play)____________volleyball and my brother (play) ________________soccer. 6. it is 9.00; my family (watch)___________________TV. 7. In the summer, I usually (go)______________to the park with my friends, and in the spring, we (have) _____________Tet Holiday; I (be)________happy because I always (visit) ______________my granparents. 8. ____________your father (go)_____________to work by bus? 9. How ___________your sister (go)___________to school? 10. What time _____________they (get up)_________________? 11. What ____________they (do)________________in the winter? 12. Today, we (have)______________English class. 13. Her favourite subject (be)__________________English. 14. Now, my brother (like)_________________eating bananas. 15. Look! A man (call)_________________you. 16. Keep silent ! I (listen )____________________to the radio. 17. ______________ you (play)_________________badminton now? 18. Everyday, my father (get up)_______________at 5.00 a.m. 19. Every morning, I (watch)_________________tv at 10.00. 20. Everyday, I (go) __________to school by bike. 21. Every morning, my father (have) ______________a cup of coffe. 22. At the moment, I(read)_______________a book and my brother (watch)_______ TV. 23. Hoa (live)________________in Hanoi, and Ha (live)________________in HCM City. 24. Hung and his friend (play)_______________badminton at the present. 25. They usually (get up)___________________at 6. oo in the morning. 26. Ha never (go)___________fishing in the winter but she always (do)________ it in the summer. 27. My teacher (tell)__________________Hoa about Math at the moment. 28. There (be)____________________ animals in the circus. 29. _______________he (watch)______________TV at 7.00 every morning? 30. What _____________she (do ) _________________at 7.00 am? 31. How old _________she (be)? 32. How ___________she (be)? 33. My children (Go)________________to school by bike. 34. We (go)_______________to supermarket to buy some food. 35. Mr. Hien (go)________________on business to Hanoi every month. 36. Ha (like)______________coffee very much, but I (not like)______________it. 37. She (like )________________Tea, but she (not like)____________________coffee. 38. I (love)_______________ cats, but I (not love)__________________dogs. 39. Everyday, I (go)______________to school on foot. 40. Who you _________________(wait) for Nam?   - No, I ___________ (wait) for Mr. Hai. My sister (get)______________ dressed and (brush)_______________her teeth herself at 6.30 everyday. Mrs. Smith (not live)_______________in downtown. She (rent)________________in an appartment in the suburb. How _________your children (go)_________________to school everyday? It’s 9 o’clock in the morning. Lien (be)________in her room. She (listen) _______________to music. We_______________________(play) soccer in the yard now. My father (go)___________ to work by bike. Sometimes he(walk)______________. _________You (live)________near a market? _ It (be)____________noisy? Now I (do)__________the cooking while Hoa (listen)_____________to music. At the moment, Nam and his friends (go)_______________shopping at the mall. In the autumn, I rarely (go)_____________sailing and (go)__________to school. I (write)_____________________________ a letter to my friend now. At 12 a.m every day, I (have)____________lunch and (go)____________to bed. On Monday, I (have)________________________ math and Art. On Friday, she (have)______________________English. At the moment, I (eat)__________an orange, and my sisters (play)_______tennis. 56. ______it her bag (be)?   - No, it (not be)______________. What time _____________your children (go)____________ to school? He (live)________________in HCM City. What time___________your brother usually (get)___________up? My house (be)_________in the city and it (be)_________small. Bài tập II. Khoanh tròn từ thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn, sau đó trả lời các câu hỏi dựa vào đoạn văn đó. Bài 1. Hoang is a (1) . He’s twelve years (2) .. He’s tall and (3). His face is (4) and his hair is (5) . and black. He (6) at school in the morning and (7) .. football in the afternoon. He (8) good marks in class. A. Put the suitable word in each blank : 1. A. class B. student C. school D. doctor 2. A. young B. old C. small D. big 3. A. round B. thin C. oval D. long 4. A. long B. heavy C. light D. thick 5. A. full B. big C. round D. short 6. A. studies B. travels C. walks D. goes 7. A. plays B. travels C. works D. goes 8. A. plays B. gets C. does D. have B. Answer the questions : 1. Is Hoang a schoolboy? è 2. Is he short? è 3. Is his face long? è 4 Where does Hoang study in the morning? è 5. What does he do in the afternoon? è 6. Does he get good marks in class? è Bài 2. Every Saturday Minh and his family have dinner in a (1) .. They eat chicken or (2) with peas and beans. Sometimes Minh’s mother (3) fish. Minh also has a big (4) . Minh’s (5) drink is fruit juice, but his father and mother like (6) They listen to (7) while they are having (8) dinner. A. Put the suitable word in each blank : 1. A. bakery B. restaurant C. supermarket D. drug store 2. A. juice B. lemon C. beef D. orange 3. A. eats B. has C. gets D. goes 4. A. ice-cream B. milk C. noodle D. meat 5. A. good B. fine C. well D. favorite 6. A. fruit B. orange C. beer D. lemon 7. A. music B. television C. a game D. swimming 8. A. his B. their C. our D. his B. Answer the questions : 1. Where do Minh and his family have dinner every Saturday? è 2. Do they eat meat? What kind? è 3. What vegetables do they eat? è 4. What is Minh’s favorite drink? è 5. What do his parents like to drink? è 6. What do they listen to at the restaurant? Bài 3: I eat lunch in my shcool (1) .. The (2) there is very good. My (3).. meat is beef. I don’t eat (4) rice. I (5) . bread. I like apples best. What (6) . you have for lunch? A. Put the suitable word in each blank : 1. A. work B. canteen C. day D. week 2. A. vegetables B. eggs C. food D. drink 3. A. favorite B. good C. nice D. well 4. A. much B. many C. no D. some 5. A. likes B. drink C. has D. have 6. A. do B. does C. are D. is B. Answer the questions : 1. Where does Ngan eat lunch? è 2. Is the food in her school canteen good? è 3. What is her favorite meat? è 4. Does she like rice? è 5. What kind of fruit does she like best? è Bài tập III. Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời câu hỏi: Bài 1: This is a photo of my family. This is my father. He’s 40 years old. He’s a doctor. And this is my mother. She’s 35. She’s a doctor, too. These are my brother, Tom and my sister, Mary. Tom’s 10 and Mary’s 7. They’re pupils. 1. How many people are there in his family? è 2 How old is his father? è 3. What does he do? è 4. How old is his mother? è 5. What does she do? è 6. How old is his brother? è 7. How old is his sister? è 8. What do they do? è Bài 2: MY HOUSE I live in a house near the sea. It’s an old house, about 100 years old, and it’s very small. There two bedrooms, a livingroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. The bedrooms are upstairs. The bathroom is next to the kitchen. There is a lovely fireplace in the livingroom. There’s a beautiful garden in front of the house. I live with my parents. I play badminton with my father in my free time. We have a lot of fun. I love my house very much. 1. Where is his house? è 2. Is it old? è 3. How many rooms are there is his house? è 4. Is there a garden? è 5. Where is the fireplace? è 6. Who does he live with? è 7. What does he do in his free time? è 8. Does he love his house? è Bài 3: Lan and Lien are classmates. Lan is thin, but Lien isn’t. Lan is tall and pretty. Lien is short but nice. They are both eleven years old. They are in the same class. They are both good students. They are good friends. They often go to school and play together. 1. Who are Lan and Lien? è 2. Is Lan thin? è 3. Is Lien ugly? è 4. Who is nice? è 5. How old are they? è 6. Are Lan and Lien in different classes? è 7. Are they good pupils? è 8. What do they often do together? è

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