Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 11 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Trường PTDTBT THCS Tà Mung


1. Knowledge :- By the end of the lesson, the Ss can listen to the tape to talk

about learning a foreign language.

* Vocabulary: nation/ national, internation/ international , bank, improve,

excellent, understand, over the world,

* Grammar:

2. Skills: listening

3. Attitudes:

- Positive about their lesson.

- Students know how to learn English.

- Ss are interested in doing exercises.

4. Competence

a. General capacity: self – study, communicative and collaborative, and

problem solving ability.

b. Specilized capacity: language capability


1. Teacher’s: lesson plan, text book, pictures

2. Students’: text book, note book


1. Methods: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, teaching

methods with game, teaching methods by practising.

2. Techniques: Eleciting, group work, pair work, individual work

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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 11 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Trường PTDTBT THCS Tà Mung, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Preparing date: 15/11/2020 Teaching date: 16/11/2020 (9A2,3) UNIT 4: Learning a foreign language Period 22 - Listen I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge :- By the end of the lesson, the Ss can listen to the tape to talk about learning a foreign language. * Vocabulary: nation/ national, internation/ international , bank, improve, excellent, understand, over the world, * Grammar: 2. Skills: listening 3. Attitudes: - Positive about their lesson. - Students know how to learn English. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Competence a. General capacity: self – study, communicative and collaborative, and problem solving ability. b. Specilized capacity: language capability II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher’s: lesson plan, text book, pictures 2. Students’: text book, note book III. METHODS, TECHNIQUES 1. Methods: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by practising. 2. Techniques: Eleciting, group work, pair work, individual work IV. PROCEDURE 1. Organization - Greetings. - Who’s absent today? 2. Check the old lesson - Ss write the similar letter - Give the comment 3. New lesson: * Warm up: Ss answer some questions : - How do you learn English ? - Do you learn it at home and at school ? - Is your English excellent ? - Don’t you think you need to improve your English ? - Which skill do you need to improve ? Listening , writing , reading ..... Pre - listening: - T gives the request and the situation . T explains about this - T gives some words and phrases to guides Ss to listen. - Ss read all the sentences . T explains some phrases. - Present the words using” rub out - remember” for checking. - Ss underline the main informations Ex : Nga’s studying English for her work . - T asks Ss some questions about Nga’s studying * Questions: - Does Nga study English for her work ? - Where does she learn English ? - Where does she work ? - Which skill does she need to improve ? - How is her listening skill? While - listening : - T asks Ss listen to the tape 2 times . Then listen in small part - Ss exchange their results .Ss give the answer - Ss listen to the tape again and check .T corrects (use key) Keys : a T b T c F She works for an international bank in Ha Noi d T e F Her listening is terrible f T - Asks sts to work in group of four, use the information that you got from listening to rewrite things about Nga. * Suggested expressions: Nga is She is learning..........for.......... She wants to improve her ......... skill. But her biggest problem on English is ............ She learns English so that she can.............. and sing............. * Keys: English – London – it – work – writing – listening – understand – songs Post- listening - Have students answer about themselves * Talk about your English: - What asfects of learning English you don’t like ? Why not ? - Are you good at listening ? - What can you do to improve your English? V. CONSOLIDATION Retell the main of the lesson. VI. HOMEWORK - Prepare the next period 23: Read (Find the new words in the advertisements) Preparing date: 15/11/2020 Teaching date: 18/11/2020 (9A2,3) Unit 4: LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Period 23 - Read I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge :- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to specific information about the English classes and decide a suitable one for themselves. * Vocabulary: begin/beginner, intermediate, advanced , well-qualified. * Grammar: Revise simple past, phrases 2. Skills: reading 3. Attitudes: - Positive about their lesson. - Students know how to learn English. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Competence a. General capacity: self – study, communicative and collaborative, and problem solving ability. b. Specilized capacity: language capability II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher’s: lesson plan, text book, pictures 2. Students’: text book, note book III. METHODS, TECHNIQUES 1. Methods: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by practising. 2. Techniques: Eleciting, group work, pair work, individual work IV. PROCEDURE 1. Organization - Greetings. - Who’s absent today? 2. Check the old lesson 3. New lesson: Warm up: - Teacher has Ss answer some questions: * Questions: 1. What did you do last summer? 2. Did anyone attend a summer class? 3. Do you go to an evening English class? 4. Have you ever read any adventisement for English courses ? - T has Ss have a look at the pieces of advertisement on p.36 then asks Ss: 1. What are they? (→ piece of advertisement) 2. What are they about? (→ foreign language school) Pre- reading: - T introduces the advertisements and gives the words. - T read and guides Ss to read all the words. While - reading: - Ss read the advertisements silently. Ss practice reading before class. - T corrects. T asks some questions and Ss answer. * Questions: Which advertisements is the beginner ? intermediate ? advanced ? When does it start ?/When is the classtime? Which school can you go? A/ Note down information about the English classes - T gives the request and guides s to complete the table. - Ss work in groups . Then give the answer. T corrects. Answer: School Class time (morning / afternoon / evening) Language level (beginner / intermediate / advanced) Time to start Academy of Language Morning, afternoon, evening Advanced First week of November Foreign Language Council Morning and evening Beginner/ intermediate 3rd November New English Institute Afternoon, evening, weekend Beginner (today) B/ Read the notes Mr Lam made - T gives the request and uides Ss to o ex - Ss work in pairs to answer by answering the questions: + When does Mr Lam go to English class ? + Which level does he join in ? / When does the class start ? + Which school can he go to ? Why Notes English class - early evening - intermediate level - starting late October/ early November Foreing Language Council G/F , 12 nam Trang Street Study English, French , or Chinese in the morning & evening Places available in beginner/ intermediate classes Courses star on 3rd November Post - reading : - Ss talk about their course they are going to study - Ss read the advertisements again. V. CONSOLIDATION Review the main conten of the lesson. VI. HOMEWORK - Read the letter and find the words & do the ex again. - Prepare the next period 24 : Write (How to write a letter)

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