Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 16 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THCS Phúc Than


1. Lesson knowledge:

- After the lesson, Ss will be able to practice Can / Can’t statements and traffic

vocabulary about what you are allowed and not allowed to do on the road.

* Vocabulary:

- Can / can’t: có thể/ k thể

- a policeman (n): cảnh sát - difficult (adj): khó

- a sign (n): biển báo - one- way (n): đường 1 chiều

- to park(v): đỗ xe - (to) turn left/right: rẽ trái/phải

- (to) go straight: đi thẳng

2. Grammar

- You can park here.

- You can’t go into that street.

2. Skills: Reading, listening, speaking,writing skills.

3. Attitudes: - Positive about their lesson.

- Students know how to learn English in right way.

- Ss are interested in doing exercises.

4. Ability orientation:

a. Common abilities:

- Self - control and self-study capacities.

- Communication and cooperation capacities.

- Problem solving and creativity capacities.

b. Specific abilities:

- English language ability.

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Preparing date: 23/11/2019 Teaching date: 25/11/2019 – Class 6A5 26/11/2019 – Class 6A1 UNIT 8. OUT AND ABOUT Period: 47. C1 + 4 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Lesson knowledge: - After the lesson, Ss will be able to practice Can / Can’t statements and traffic vocabulary about what you are allowed and not allowed to do on the road. * Vocabulary: - Can / can’t: có thể/ k thể - a policeman (n): cảnh sát - difficult (adj): khó - a sign (n): biển báo - one- way (n): đường 1 chiều - to park(v): đỗ xe - (to) turn left/right: rẽ trái/phải - (to) go straight: đi thẳng 2. Grammar - You can park here. - You can’t go into that street. 2. Skills: Reading, listening, speaking,writing skills. 3. Attitudes: - Positive about their lesson. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Ability orientation: a. Common abilities: - Self - control and self-study capacities. - Communication and cooperation capacities. - Problem solving and creativity capacities. b. Specific abilities: - English language ability. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, speaker. 2. Students': text book, note book, pens III. METHODS, TECHNIQUES: 1. Methods: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group,. 2. Techniques: groupwork, pair work, individual work IV. PROCEDURES: 1. Organization: Greetings and checking student’s attendance. 2. Checking the old lesson: Asks sts answers 3 questions with “ who, what , where” 3. New lesson: Activity 1: Warm – up. Guessing game ( Look at the picture and guess signs) Acticvity 2: Acquire new skill and knowledge - Introduce the lesson - Ask Ss to look at pictures and describe - Read a passage the first - Give some new words and explain the meaning - Teach the new words Can / can’t:(v) a policeman. difficult (adj) a sign one- way (n) to park (to) turn left/right (to) go straight - Rub out and remember Activity 3: Practice - Ss listen to the tape twice - Introduce the road signs. - Ss guess the meaning of each read sign. - Give comprehension questions: What does Hoan do ? Is his job difficult ? Why ? What does this sign mean ? (“You can park here” sign) What does this sign mean ? (“You can’t park here” sign) Model sentences: You can park here. You can’t go into that street. - Present the way to use the modal “Can”. - Give some examples to make clear. - Ask Ss to practice making their own examples. Picture Drill Example Exchange: S1: What does this sign mean ? S2: You can [park here] can’t [turn right]. Activity 4: Exercise T/ F prediction: - Ss look at the road signs in C4, and choose the correct statement for each one: a) Slow down /Go straight b) Turn left/ Don’t turn left c) Turn right/ Go straight ahead or turn left d) Slow down/ Don’t go straight ahead. e)Park here/Don’t park here f) Cars and trucks go here/ Motorbikes go here g) Don’t go straight/ Don’t turn right or left h) Park here /Don’t park here - Ss practice reading the text on their own. - Present the way to practice with the modal “Must” . - Ss correct their prediction. Activity 5: Enrich ideas development - T reminds all main points for ss to remember. V. INSTRUCTION FOR THE NEXT LESSON PREPARATION - Do Ex C 1 – 2 in workbook. - Lean by heart new words. - Prepare: Practice. ============================================ Preparing date: 23/11/2019 Teaching date: 25/11/2019 – Class 6A5 26/11/2019 – Class 6A1 UNIT 8. OUT AND ABOUT Period: 48. PRACTICE I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: After the lesson, Ss will be able to review the present progressive tense and modal verbs; do exercises related to unit 8. 2. Skills: Reading, listening, speaking,writing skills. 3. Attitudes: - Positive about their lesson. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Ability orientation: a. Common abilities: - Self - control and self-study capacities. - Communication and cooperation capacities. - Problem solving and creativity capacities. b. Specific abilities: - English language ability. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, speaker. 2. Students': text book, note book, pens III. METHODS, TECHNIQUES: 1. Methods: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group,. 2. Techniques: groupwork, pair work, individual work IV. PROCEDURES: 1. Organization: Greetings and checking student’s attendance. 2. Checking the old lesson: - Do the Ex 1 given. 3. New lesson: Activity 1: Warm - up Sing a song Activity 2: Acquire new skill and knowledge - Remind knowledge: + Thì HTTD: S + tobe + V-ing + O (- ) S + tobe not + V-ing + O (?) Tobe + S+ V-ing + O? + Động từ khuyết thiếu: Can , Can’t , must, mustn’t + V Activity 3: Practice Ex 1. Chia động từ ở HTTD 1. Hoa_______________ (play) video games. 2. Mai __________________ (ride) her bike. 3. Tuan ________________(drive) his car. 4. We ______________ (wait) for a train. 5. I _______________ (walk) to school. 6.They ________________ (travel) to work by bus. 7. I _______________ (do) my homework. 8. My aunt _________________ (watch) television. 9. Mr. Loc ______________ (go) to the hospital. 10. My friends _______________ (copy) their homework. 11. I _____________ (ride) my bike. 12. We _______________ (play) soccer. 13. He ______________ (listen) to music. 14. They _____________ (walk) to school. 15. My uncle ________________ (go) to a farm. 16. He _______________(take) the vegetables to the market. 17. We ______________ (eat) our breakfast in the kitchen. 18. Nga and her parents _______________ (have) dinner at a foodstal 19. The farmer ______________ (unload) the vegetables. 20. Lan ______________ (correct) the homework. Activity 4: Exercise Ex 2. Điền vào chỗ trống với các từ CAN, CAN'T, MUST, MUSN'T 1. I _______ swim. I go swimming every week. 2. The traffic-lights are red. You ________ stop. 3. The cars go very fast. We ________ be careful. 4. You ________ play football in the street. 5. My brother _________ drive a car. He's very young. 6. The students __________ do their homework. 7. There is a "No parking" sign here. You __________ park your car here. 8. This sign says "Stop!". We ________ stop. 9. Our roads are dangerous places. We _________ have discipline. 10. We __________ not go fast. Activity 5: Enrich ideas development - T reminds all main points for ss to remember. V. INSTRUCTION FOR THE NEXT LESSON PREPARATION - Do Ex C 2 ,3,4 in work book. - Prepare: Grammar practice ==================================== Preparing date: 26/11/2019 Teaching date: 29/11/2019 – Class 6A5 30/11/2019 – Class 6A1 Period 49 GRAMMAR PRACTICE A. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: - After the lesson, Ss will be able to practice further in Simple Present; Present Progressive; prepositions of place; question words and the modals. * Vocabulary: Review * Grammar: Review - The Present Progressive Tense - The Simple present - The prepositions as possible - Question words - The modal Must & Can 2. Skills: Reading, listening, speaking,writing skills. 3. Attitudes: - Positive about their lesson. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Ability orientation: a. Common abilities: - Self - control and self-study capacities. - Communication and cooperation capacities. - Problem solving and creativity capacities. b. Specific abilities: - English language ability. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, speaker. 2. Students': text book, note book, pens III. METHODS, TECHNIQUES: 1. Methods: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group,. 2. Techniques: groupwork, pair work, individual work IV. PROCEDURES: 1.Organization: Greetings and checking student’s attendance. 2. Checking the old lesson: - Do the Ex 1 given. 3. New lesson: Activity 1: Warm - up Chatting: What are you doing now? Are you Activity 2: Acquire new skill and knowledge - Ss revise the Present Progressive Tense: - T presents the form: S + am/ is / are V_ing + O. Word Cues Drill: a. Minh is riding his bike. e. He is listening to the music. b. They are waiting for a bus. f. They are walking to school. c. She is watching TV g. He is traveling to Hanoi. d. We are playing soccer. Activity 3: Practice - Ss list as many prepositions as possible. - Remind Ss those prepositions. - Ask Ss to practice this part orally. - Give feedback. - Give right answers: in - in front of - behind - opposite - to the right of - to the left of. - Ss. give examples for each Wh. question. - Ss practice with the Ex in textbook on P.93. - Give feedback, + Answers: a. Where b. Who c. What d. What Activity 4: Exercise - Ss distinguish the differences between two tenses. - Ss practice with the Ex in textbook on P. 94. - Give feedback. + Answers: b. She rides her bike to school. c. We go to school everyday. She is riding her bike now We are going to school by bus today. d. I walk to school everyday. e. He drives his truck . I am walking to school now. He is driving his truck at the moment. Activity 5: Enrich ideas development - Remind Ss the modal Must & Can - Ask Ss to practice with the Ex on p. 94 & 95. - Give feedback. V. INSTRUCTION FOR THE NEXT LESSON PREPARATION - Learn new words by heart - Do exercises in work book - Prepare “ Revision’”

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