Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 8: Out and about - Lesson C: Road signs (C1-4) - Trường THCS Pha Mu


1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson students will be able to

know the road signs and talk about these signs as well as get information

from the on the road.

*Vocabulary: can, can't, one way, turn left/right, to park, sign

* Grammar: You can park here; You can't turn right.

2. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

3. Attitudes:

- Positive about their lesson.

- Students know how to learn English.

- Ss are interested in doing exercises.

4. Competence

a. General capacity: self – study, communicative and collaborative, and

problem solving ability.

b. Specilized capacity: language capability


1. Teacher’s: lesson plan, text book, pictures

2. Students’: text book, note book

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Date of teaching : Period 47- Unit 8. OUT AND ABOUT C. Road signs (C1+ C4) I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson students will be able to know the road signs and talk about these signs as well as get information from the on the road. *Vocabulary: can, can't, one way, turn left/right, to park, sign * Grammar: You can park here; You can't turn right. 2. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills 3. Attitudes: - Positive about their lesson. - Students know how to learn English. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Competence a. General capacity: self – study, communicative and collaborative, and problem solving ability. b. Specilized capacity: language capability II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher’s: lesson plan, text book, pictures 2. Students’: text book, note book III. METHODS, TECHNIQUES 1. Methods: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by practising. 2. Techniques: Eleciting, group work, pair work, individual work IV. PROCEDURE 1. Organization - Greetings. - Who’s absent today? 2. Check the old lesson Show some pictures and ask ss what people in each picture are doing 3. New lesson Activity 1. Warm up - T gives out some road signs for ss to guess what contents they are in Vietnamese. - Introduce the new lesson. Activity 2. New form of knowledge skills C1: Listen and read. - T shows the pictures of C1. - T reads 2 times, Ss repeat. - Ss look at them and say the names of them. T writes and explains the new words. can (modal verb): có thể can't = can not must: phải one way (n): đường một chiều turn left/right (v): rẽ trái, rẽ phải to park (v): đỗ xe sign (n): kí hiệu intersection (n): chỗ giao nhau - Check new word: slap the board - T introduces new grammar You can park here; You can't turn right. I can go straight ahead; She can ride her bike. S + can/ can’t + V infinitive * note: can't = can not - Ss give more examples. - Ss read the text in silent. - T calls some ss to read aloud. - T corrects Activity 3. Practice C4. What do the road signs mean? - T shows the road signs. Ss look at them and say what they mean. - T asks ss to repeat: can, can’t/ must, mustn’t. - T shows all road signs on the board and gives their mean in each post card - Divide the class into 3 groups to match road sign with meaning - Within 5 minutes the group which has more correct answer will be the winner. - Ss read aloud road signs again. Activity 4. Further practice - T shows road signs and ask ss to tell the meaning of its T: What does the sign say? S: It says “you can turn left". Activity 5. Expanding Remind all main points for ss. to remember and practice at home. V. HOMEWORK - Learn by heart new words and new structures. - Prepare for practice.

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