Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tiết 66 đến 69 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THCS Mường Cang


1. Knowledge:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice talk about like or

dislike, countability, adj, question words, present progressive tense, simple present

tense, quantifiers.

Vocabulary: review

Structure: - Present simple tense.

- Present progressive tense.

- a, an

2. Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing.

3. Attitudes: - Positive about their lesson.

- Students know how to learn English in right way.

- Ss are interested in doing exercises.

4. Competence orientation:

a. General capacity:

- Self - control and self-study capacities.

- Communication and cooperation capacities.

- Problem solving and creativity capacities.

b. Specilized capacity:

- English language ability.

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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tiết 66 đến 69 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THCS Mường Cang, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Preparing date: 10/ 5/ 2020 Teaching date: 6C – 12/ 5/ 2020 Period 66: GRAMMAR PRACTICE I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice talk about like or dislike, countability, adj, question words, present progressive tense, simple present tense, quantifiers. Vocabulary: review Structure: - Present simple tense. - Present progressive tense. - a, an 2. Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing. 3. Attitudes: - Positive about their lesson. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Competence orientation: a. General capacity: - Self - control and self-study capacities. - Communication and cooperation capacities. - Problem solving and creativity capacities. b. Specilized capacity: - English language ability. II. Preparation: 1. Teacher's: text book, the picture about parts of the body. 2. Students': text book, note book, pens III. METHODS, TECHNIQUES: 1. Methods: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group,. 2. Techniques: groupwork, pair work, individual work IV. PROCEDURES: 1. Organization: Greetings and checking student’s attendance. 2. Checking the old lesson: 3. New lesson: Activity 1: Warm - up: Activity 2: Acquire new skills and knowledge 1. Tenses: 1.1. Simple present tense: - Ask Ss to give the uses and the form. - Give some more examples: I go to school every morning. She doesn’t get up early. Do they play games? - Ask Ss to practice - Give feedback. 1.2. Present progressive tense: - Remind Ss the way to use and conjugate the verb. - Give some examples to make clear: I am watching T.V now. - Ask S to practice. - Give feedback. 2. a, an, some and any: - Remind Ss the way to practice. - Give examples to make it clear. - Ask Ss to practice. - Give feedback. Activity 3: Practice: - Ask Ss to practice with the given Ex 1 in textbook: - Give feedback. * Key: a. like/ like Do/ like; I don't like. b. Does/ like; likes Does/ like; doesn't like - Ask S to do part 5 to practice. - Give feedback. * Key: a. is eating b. are drinking c. is riding d. is going e. is getting f. is traveling - Ask Ss to practice with the Ex 2 in textbook. - Give feedback. * Key: a. any/ any/ some/ an b. any/ some c. any/ some/ a Activity 4: Further practice: - Ask Ss to practice making their own examples. Activity 5: Expanding - T reminds all main points for ss to remember and practice at home V. INTRUCTION FOR NEXT LESSON PREPARATION - Prepare for the written test. - Do test yourself on pages: 101,102 – Work book. Preparing date: 10 / 5/ 2020 Teaching date: 6ABC - / 5/ 2020 Period 67: WRITTEN TEST I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, the sts will be able to do the test, using vocabulary and grammar structures they have learnt. 1. Vocabulary: 2. Structure: 2. Skills: reading, writing. 3. Attitudes: - Positive about their lesson. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Competence orientation: a. General capacity: - Self - control and self-study capacities. - Communication and cooperation capacities. - Problem solving and creativity capacities. b. Specilized capacity: - English language ability. II. Preparation: 1. Teacher's: text book, the picture about parts of the body. 2. Students': text book, note book, pens III. METHODS, TECHNIQUES: 1. Methods: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group,. 2. Techniques: groupwork, pair work, individual work IV. PROCEDURES: 1. Organization: Greetings and checking student’s attendance. 2. Checking the old lesson: 3. New lesson: V. INTRUCTION FOR NEXT LESSON PREPARATION - Prepare the next lesson Preparing date: 10/ 5/ 2020 Teaching date: 6C – 12/ 5/ 2020 UNIT 12: SPORTS AND PASTIMES Period 68: A1-2 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to know some names of sports and entertainment. The students also to talk about what people are doing now. Vocabulary: (to) swim: (to) skip: (to) jog: aerobics: tennis: table tennis: badminton: Structure: - Review: The present progressive tense. What are they doing? 2. Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing. 3. Attitudes: - Positive about their lesson. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Competence orientation: a. General capacity: - Self - control and self-study capacities. - Communication and cooperation capacities. - Problem solving and creativity capacities. b. Specilized capacity: - English language ability. II. Preparation: 1. Teacher's: text book, the picture about parts of the body. 2. Students': text book, note book, pens III. METHODS, TECHNIQUES: 1. Methods: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group,. 2. Techniques: groupwork, pair work, individual work IV. PROCEDURES: 1. Organization: Greetings and checking student’s attendance. 2. Checking the old lesson: 3. New lesson: Activity 1: Warm - up: Chatting: - Ask Ss some questions in a picture using the present progressive tense: ➢ What are the girls doing ? ➢ What are the boys doing ? ➢ What is this boy doing ? ➢ What is this girl doing ? Activity 2: Acquire new skills and knowledge A1: Listen and read: - Using some pictures on page 124 introduce the title of the part. - Ask Ss to look at the pictures in A1 and answer the question: What are they doing ? - Play the tape for Ss to practice listening, then repeat the names of some sports. - Ss look at the pictures and say the sports in Vietnamese. - Write them on the notebook and explain: - Ask Ss to repeat repeat after aloud, themn call some individuals to read. - Give Pictures Drill Skill. - Ask Ss to present again the Present Progressive Tense: Form: +) S + is / am / are + V-ing - ) S + is / am / are + not + V-ing ? ) Is / am / are + S + V-ing ? - Ask Ss some questions for them to practice: What are you doing? What is she doing ? - Ask Ss to turn the answers into the negative and interrogative forms. - Ask sts listen and repeat after the teacher. - Then call on some sts read aloud in front of the class. Activity 3: Practice: A2: Ask and answer: Introduce the purpose of the part. - Explain the task in A2. - Review the question: + What is he/ she doing? He / She is ................... + What are they doing? They are ................... - Ask Ss to practice in pairs, then call some pairs to practice aloud. Activity 4: Further practice: - Ask Ss to practice making their own examples. Activity 5: Expanding - T reminds all main points for ss to remember and practice at home V. INTRUCTION FOR NEXT LESSON PREPARATION - Make 5 sentences using the Present Progressive Tense. - Do the exercise 1, 2 in workbook. - Prepare the next lesson Preparing date: 10/ 5/ 2020 Teaching date: 6C – 26/ 5/ 2020 UNIT 12: SPORTS AND PASTIMES Period 69 : C1- 3 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use “How often...” to ask and some adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, never with the simple present tense for regular activities. Vocabulary: always, usually, often, sometimes, never. (to) have a picnic: Fly their kites: Go camping: Tent (n): 2. Structure: How often does she/ he ...................? 2. Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing. 3. Attitudes: - Positive about their lesson. - Students know how to learn English in right way. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Competence orientation: a. General capacity: - Self - control and self-study capacities. - Communication and cooperation capacities. - Problem solving and creativity capacities. b. Specilized capacity: - English language ability. II. Preparation: 1. Teacher's: text book, the picture about parts of the body. 2. Students': text book, note book, pens III. METHODS, TECHNIQUES: 1. Methods: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group,. 2. Techniques: groupwork, pair work, individual work IV. PROCEDURES: 1. Organization: Greetings and checking student’s attendance. 2. Checking the old lesson: 3. New lesson: Activity 1: Warm - up: - Ask sts play the game: Nought and crosses: Swim Read book Play tennis 1 2 3 Watch TV Listen to music Play soccer 3 4 5 Activity 2: Acquire new skills and knowledge C1. Listen and repeat: Introduce the adverbs of frequency. - Ss look at the pictures in C1, then listen to the and guess the meaning. - Teach the adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, never. - Ask sts to listen then read after. - Call on some sts read it again. C2. Listen and read. - Introduce the content of C2. - Give guided questions: a. What do Ba and Nam do in their free time ? b. How do they go to school ? - Ss listen to the teach as looking at their book, then give the answers: a. They play soccer, go to the park. b. They walk to school. Activity 3: Practice: C3. Ask and answer: - Ask Ss to ask about Ba and Nam’s activities with How often.......? Example Exchange: S1: How often do Ba and Nam go to the zoo? S2: They sometimes go to the zoo. - Ask Ss to practice asking with the other activities in pairs. - Call some pairs to practice aloud. Activity 4: Further practice: - Ask Ss to practice making their own examples. Activity 5: Expanding - T reminds all main points for ss to remember and practice at home V. INTRUCTION FOR NEXT LESSON PREPARATION - Do the Ex in workbook. - Prepare the next lesson

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