Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tiết 10 đến 12 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Trường PTDTBT THCS Tà Mung


1. Knowledge :- By the end of the lesson ss. will be able to asks and answer

with the questions: “What is this/ that? to talk about things in the classroom.

* Vocabulary: a door (n):

a window (n):

a board (n):

a clock (n):

a waste basket (n):

a school bag (n):

a pencil (n):

a pen (n):

a ruler (n):

an eraser (n):

* Structure: What is this? It’s a / an

What is that?

2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing.

3. Attitudes:

- Positive about their lesson.

- Students know how to learn English.

- Ss are interested in doing exercises.

4. Competence

a. General capacity: self – study, communicative and collaborative, and

problem solving ability.

b. Specilized capacity: language capability


1. Teacher’s: lesson plan, text book, pictures

2. Students’: text book, note book


1. Methods: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, teaching

methods with game, teaching methods by practising.

2. Techniques: Eleciting, group work, pair work, individual work

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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tiết 10 đến 12 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Trường PTDTBT THCS Tà Mung, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Preparing date: 27/ 09 / 2020 Teaching date: 29/ 09 / 2020( 6A2) 01 / 10/ 2020 ( 6A3 ) UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL Period 10 - Lesson 5: C. MY SCHOOL (C2 - 3) I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge :- By the end of the lesson ss. will be able to asks and answer with the questions: “What is this/ that? to talk about things in the classroom. * Vocabulary: a door (n): a window (n): a board (n): a clock (n): a waste basket (n): a school bag (n): a pencil (n): a pen (n): a ruler (n): an eraser (n): * Structure: What is this? It’s a / an What is that? 2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing. 3. Attitudes: - Positive about their lesson. - Students know how to learn English. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Competence a. General capacity: self – study, communicative and collaborative, and problem solving ability. b. Specilized capacity: language capability II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher’s: lesson plan, text book, pictures 2. Students’: text book, note book III. METHODS, TECHNIQUES 1. Methods: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by practising. 2. Techniques: Eleciting, group work, pair work, individual work IV. PROCEDURE 1. Organization - Greetings. - Who’s absent today? 2. Check the old lesson Call on two sts to go to the board and write the new words. 3. New lesson: * Warm – up: Guessing game (a house, a school ) Ask sts to guess the picture. C2. Listen and repeat: Introduction: Introduce the topic of the part. Presentation: Teaching the new words. *Checking: Matching (picture and words) Show pictures to sts. Practice: Repeat choral / individually. C3. Practice with a partner: Presentation: Form: What + is + this / that? It is + a / an + N Use: Ask and answer about near or far objects Pronunciation: It’s [ itz ] = it is What’s [watz] = what is Practice: Ask sts pair works: S1: What is this/that? S2: It’s a (an) pen/ ruler - T. limits the time and checks some pairs of ss. Further practice: Lucky numbers 1- How do you spell “desk”? 2- How do you spell ‘classroom’? 3- Lucky number! 4- How do you spell ‘clock’? 5- How do you spell ‘pencil’? 6- How do you spell ‘ruler’? 7- Lucky number! 8- How do you spell ‘eraser’? 9- Lucky number! 10 - How do you spell ‘window’? V. CONSOLIDATION - Words in classroom. - What is this/ that? to identify things. VI. HOMEWORK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - Learn by heart new words. - Prepare the next lesson: PRACTICE ******************************************************************** Preparing date: 27/ 09 / 2020 Teaching date: 2/ 10 / 2020 ( 6A2,3) UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL Period 11 - PRACTICE I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge : - By the end of the lesson ss. will be able to practice the knowledge in unit 2 and do exercises * Vocabulary: review * Structure: - What’s your name? My name’s - Where do you live? I live on . Street. - How do you spell it/ your name? + L – A – N, Lan. - What is this? It’s a / an What is that? 2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing. 3. Attitudes: - Positive about their lesson. - Students know how to learn English. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Competence a. General capacity: self – study, communicative and collaborative, and problem solving ability. b. Specilized capacity: language capability II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher’s: lesson plan, text book, pictures 2. Students’: text book, note book III. METHODS, TECHNIQUES 1. Methods: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by practising. 2. Techniques: Eleciting, group work, pair work, individual work IV. PROCEDURE 1. Organization - Greetings. - Who’s absent today? 2. Check the old lesson - Call on two sts to go to the board and write the new words. 3. New lesson: 3.1. Presentation: - Review some questions : - What’s your name? My name’s - Where do you live? I live on . Street - How do you spell it/ your name? L – A – N, Lan. - Ask Ss to practice in pairs Form: What + is + this / that? It is + a / an + N Use: Ask and answer about near or far objects Pronunciation: It’s [ itz ] = it is What’s [watz] = what is 3.2. Practice Ex1 : Complete the sentences 1. .. old are you ? 2. do you live ? 3. What’s your . ? 4. I .. on Le Loi street. 5. How do you .. your name ? 6. What is ? It’s a pen Ex2 : Put the words in the right order to make questions 1. your/ name/how/ do/ spell/ you/ ? 2. old/ are/ how/ you / ? 3. is/ name/ what/ your/ ? 4. live/ do/ you/ where/ ? 5. is/ what/ that/ 6. am/ twelve/ I / old/ years/ IV. CONSOLIDATION - Repeat the main point in the lesson V. HOMEWORK - Learn by heart .the structures - Prepare the next lesson: Unit 3 : A1,2 Preparing date: 27/ 09 / 2020 Teaching date: 3/ 10 / 2020 ( 6A2,3) UNIT 3: AT HOME Period 12 - Lesson 1: A. MY HOUSE (A1 -2) I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge : - By the end of the lesson ss. will be able to asks and answer with the questions: “What is this/ that?; What are these/those? to identify objects in the home. * Vocabulary: a living room (n): a telephone (n): a stereo(n): a lamp (n): đèn a bookshelf (n): a couch (n): an armchair(n): a chair(n): a television(n): * Structures: What are these/ those? + They’re .. 2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing. 3. Attitudes: - Positive about their lesson. - Students know how to learn English. - Ss are interested in doing exercises. 4. Competence a. General capacity: self – study, communicative and collaborative, and problem solving ability. b. Specilized capacity: language capability II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher’s: lesson plan, text book, pictures 2. Students’: text book, note book III. METHODS, TECHNIQUES 1. Methods: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by practising. 2. Techniques: Eleciting, group work, pair work, individual work IV. PROCEDURE 1. Organization - Greetings. - Who’s absent today? 2. Check the old lesson - Write 5 objects in your classroom? 3. New lesson: Warm – up: Dialogue Build - T. moves round class to ask ss. identify objects in the classroom: Teacher: What is that? Ss: It’s a door. Teacher: What is this? Ss: It’s a ruler. A1: Listen and repeat Introduction: Introducing the lesson. Presentation: - Teaching the new words - T. introduces the lesson and hangs the picture then presents some new words: - Rub out and remember. - Check the meaning through the picture - Ss. listen and repeat after the tape twice. - T. calls some ss. to introduce the objects in the picture. eg: S1: This is a lamp. This is a chair. ( and so on) Notes: What are these/ those? To identify more than one object + They’re .. at the same time. Practice: Ask sts look at the picture and repeat after teacher. Call on some sts look at the picture and read aloud in front of the class. A2: Practice: Dialogue build up: S1: What is this? S1: What are these? S2: It’s a table. S2: They’re stools. S1: What is that? S1: What are those? S2: It’s a window S2: They are couch. - T. checks some pairs of ss. before the class. Further practice: Pair works: - Ss. ask and answer about real objects in the classroom or in the picture. - T. limits the time and checks some pairs of ss. *Game: S1: This is a table. S2: This is a table and a chair. S3: This is the table a chair and a book .. (and so on) V. CONSOLIDATION - T. reminds all main points for ss. to remember. VI. HOMEWORK - Learn by heart new words. - Prepare the next lesson: Unit 3: A3-4

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