Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 (Global success) - Unit 5: Natural wonders of Vietnam

2. Core competence

- Develop communication skills and creativity

- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork

- Actively join in class activities


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Bạn đang xem trước 20 trang mẫu tài liệu Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 (Global success) - Unit 5: Natural wonders of Vietnam, để tải tài liệu gốc về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
UNIT 5: NATURAL WONDERS OF VIET NAM Lesson 1: Getting started – Geography Club! I. Objectives By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: 1. Knowledge - Get an overview about the topic Natural wonders of Viet Nam - Use vocabulary and structures to describe wonders of Viet Nam 2. Core competence - Develop communication skills and creativity - Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork - Actively join in class activities 3. Personal qualities - Develop self-study skills - Develop their love for nature and some natural wonders of the country II. Materials - Grade 6 textbook, Unit 5, Getting started - Computer connected to the internet - Projector/ TV/ pictures and cards - Language analysis Form Meaning Pronunciation 1. scenery (noun) the natural features of an area /ˈsiːnəri/ 2. natural (adj) not made by human /ˈnætʃərəl/ 3. wonder (noun) something that fills you with surprise and admiration /ˈwʌndə/ 4. amazing (adj) very good /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/ 5. island (noun) a piece of land that is completely surrounded by water /ˈaɪlənd/ Anticipated difficulty Solution Students may not have travelled and have no idea of any natural wonders of Viet Nam. Prepare some short videos of Ha Long Bay, Ganh Da Dia, Son Doong Cave and other wonders of Viet Nam to show them. *Suggested video link: Board Plan Date of teaching UNIT 5: NATURAL WONDERS OF VIET NAM Lesson 1: Getting started * Warm-up I. Vocabulary: scenery (noun): [picture] natural (adj): [antonym] man-made wonders (noun): [picture] amazing (adj): [synonym] very good island (noun): [picture] II. Practice: Task 1: Listen and read. (p. 48) Task 2: Complete the following sentences with the words from the box. (p. 49) Task 3: Listen and repeat the words, then label the pictures. (p. 49) Task 4: QUIZ: Work in groups. Choose the correct answer to each of the questions. (p. 49) * Homework Procedure: Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time Warm-up - To set the context for the listening and reading text. - To introduce the topic of natural wonders of Viet Nam. Guess what's behind the boxes. - Teacher shows the colourful boxes on the screen, asks students to look closely, raise their hands to say aloud what they can see behind the boxes. - Teacher removes the boxes one by one and asks students to guess what is behind the boxes after each box has been removed until students can tell the teacher what it is.   T-Ss 5 mins Lead-in To lead in the topic of natural wonders of Viet Nam. - Teacher draws students’ attention to the picture in the textbook and asks them questions about the picture. Who are they? What are they looking at? What are they talking about? Suggested answers: They are Alice, Elena and Nick. They are looking at some photos/ pictures. They are talking about attractive places in Viet Nam. T-Ss 2 mins Presentation (Vocab pre-teaching) To present the word meanings, ways of pronouncing them and forms. VOCABULARY: - Teacher introduces the vocabulary by: showing the pictures illustrating the words; providing the synonyms or antonyms of the words; providing the definitions of the words. scenery (noun): [picture] natural (adj): [antonym] man-made wonder (noun): [picture] amazing (adj): [synonym] very good island (noun): [picture] scenery wonder island T-Ss 5 mins Practice To practise using the targeted language and the background knowledge of natural wonders. To help students identify the location of the places mentioned in the conversation. To help students focus on the use of lexical items to describe the places. To help students visualize some lexical items related to the topic. Task 1: Listen and read. (p.48) - Teacher sets the context for the listening and reading text by asking students some questions: What places can you see in the photos on the table? Why are they attractive? etc. - Teacher encourages students to give their answers, but do not tell them whether their answers are correct or in correct. - Teacher plays the recording, asks students underline the words they have learnt in the vocabulary part. - Teacher plays the recording more than once if necessary. Students listen and read. - Teacher nominates some pairs of students to read the dialogue aloud. - Teacher has students say the words in the text that they have underlined. Task 2: Complete the following sentences with the words from the box. (p. 49) - Teacher tells students to read the text again in order to find the words to complete the sentences independently. - Teacher allows students to share their answers before discussing as a class. - Teacher nominates students to give answers and corrects them if necessary. Answer key: 1. amazing 2. islands 3. scenery 4. natural 5. wonders Task 3: Listen and repeat the words, then label the pictures. (p. 49) - Teacher asks students to look at the words in the box, listen and repeat. - Teacher has students match the pictures with the appropriate words independently. - Teacher allows students to share their answers before discussing as a class. - Teacher asks students to give answers and corrects them if necessary. Answer key: a. 6. desert b. 8. island c. 5. cave d. 2. river e. 3. waterfall f. 1. mountain g. 4. forest h. 7. beach T-Ss T-Ss T-Ss Ss T-Ss T-Ss 5 mins Production To give students a fun time revising what they have learnt so far in the lesson and responding the questions about natural wonders. Task 4: QUIZ Work in groups. Choose the correct answer to each of the questions. (p. 49) - Teacher divides the class into groups of four or five and provides each group with a set of A and B signs. - Teacher gives students time to read the quiz carefully and choose the correct answers. - Then, teacher lets students randomly select a number on the screen to choose the question. - Students raise the correct signs of A or B for answering and say the answer aloud. The quickest group gets 5 points for each correct answer. At the end of the activity, 3 groups having the highest points are the winners. T-Ss Group work 5 mins Consolidation To consolidate what students have learnt in the lesson. Teacher asks students to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson. T-Ss 2 mins Homework To review and use the language of lexical items related to natural wonders. Go to the internet and search for the information on your favourite natural wonder in Viet Nam and prepare a small talk between 1-2 minutes about it. T-Ss 1 min UNIT 5: NATURAL WONDERS OF VIET NAM Lesson 2: A closer look 1 I. Objectives By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: 1. Knowledge - Use lexical items related to the topic of natural wonders of Viet Nam - Use the vocabularies and structures to talk about famous natural places - Identify and pronounce the sounds /t/ and /d/ 2. Core competence - Develop communication skills and creativity - Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work - Actively join in class activities 3. Personal qualities - Be ready to make share ideas among classmates - Develop self-study skills II. Materials - Grade 6 textbook, Unit 5, A closer look 1 - Computer connected to the internet - Projector/ TV/ pictures and posters. - Language analysis Form Meaning Pronunciation 1. plaster (n) a small piece of sticky cloth or plastic used to cover a cut in the skin /ˈplɑːstər/ 2. sleeping bag (nph) a large bag for sleeping in outside /ˈsliːpɪŋ bæɡ/ 3. backpack (n) a large bag used to carry things on your back when going camping or walking /ˈbækpæk/ 4. compass (n) a device for finding direction with a needle that can move easily /ˈkʌmpəs/ 5. suncream (n) ​ a substance that is put on the skin to protect it from being burned by the Sun /ˈsʌn kriːm/ 6. scissors (n) a device used for cutting materials such as paper, cloth, and hair, consisting of two sharp blades that are joined in the middle, and two handles with holes to put fingers through /ˈsɪzəz/ Anticipated difficulties Solutions 1. Students may lack knowledge about some lexical items. Provide students with the meaning and pronunciation of some lexical items. 2. Students may have underdeveloped listening, speaking and co-operating skills. Play the recording as many times necessary. Encourage students to work in pairs, in groups so that they can help each other. Provide feedback and help if necessary. 3. Some students will excessively talk in the class. Define expectations in explicit detail. Have excessively talkative students practise. Continue to define expectations in small chunks (before every activity). Board Plan Date of teaching UNIT 5: NATURAL WONDERS OF VIET NAM Lesson 2: A closer look 1 * Warm-up Name the travel items I. Vocabulary: 1. plaster (n) 2. sleeping bag (nph) 3. backpack (n) 4. compass (n) 5. suncream (n) 6. scissors (n) Task 1: Write a word under each picture. Practise saying the word. Task 2: Complete the following sentences. Use the words in 1. Task 3: Now put the items in order of usefulness. Number 1 is the most useful, number 6 is the least useful on holiday. II. Pronunciation: Task 4: Listen and repeat the words. Task 5: Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the bold-typed parts of the words. III. Production: * Whispering game * Homework Procedure Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time Warm-up To activate students’ prior knowledge and vocabulary related to the topic, the targeted vocabulary and its pronunciation. * Name the things needed for going camping: - Teacher asks students to work in groups of 6. - Teacher sets the context: “Next week, we are going camping in the forest. What should we bring?” - Teacher give all groups 3 minutes to write down as many things as possible. - Teacher goes around the class to provide help (if necessary). - The group with the most correct answers will be the winner. Suggested answer: - tent - sleeping bag - compass - suncream - mobile phone - food - water T-Ss Ss-Ss 5 mins Lead in To lead in the lesson about vocabulary and pronunciation. Teacher leads students into the lesson by telling them that: “In today lesson, we are going to learn more travel items and two sounds /t/ and /d/.” T-Ss 2 mins Presentation (Vocab pre-teaching) To introduce six travel items using pictures. VOCABULARY Teacher introduces the vocabulary by providing the pictures of the words: plaster (n): [picture] sleeping bag (nph): [picture] backpack (n): [picture] compass (n): [picture] suncream (n): [picture] scissors (n): [picture] T-Ss 5 mins Practice To manipulate forms (spelling and pronunciation) of six travel items. To provide restricted practice in using travel items in context. To give students authentic practice in using six travel items. Task 1: Write a word under each picture. Practise saying the words. (p. 50) - Teacher asks students to write the suitable word under each picture in 2 minutes. - Students do the task. - Teacher calls some students to give their answers. - Teacher gives feedback and corrections (if necessary). Answer key: plaster suncream sleeping bag scissors backpack compass Task 2: Complete the following sentences. Use the words in 1. (p. 50) - Teacher asks students to work in pairs and use the words in task 1 to complete the sentences. Students work in pairs and do the task. - Teacher calls some pairs to share their answers with the whole class. Teacher gives feedback and corrections (if necessary). Answer key: compass suncream sleeping bag backpack plaster Task 3: Now put the items in order of usefulness. Number 1 is the most useful, number 6 is the least useful on holiday. (p. 50) - Teacher asks students to work in groups of three. - Teacher gives students 3 minutes to discuss and put the item in the order of usefulness. - Teacher asks students to share their answers as a whole class. Teacher gives corrections (if necessary). T-Ss S T-Ss Pair work T-Ss Group work T-Ss 15 mins Presentation (Pre-teach the sounds /t/ and /d/) To help students to identify how to pronounce the sounds /t/ and /d/. PRONUNCIATION - Teacher introduces two sounds /t/ and /d/ to students and lets them watch a video about how to pronounce these two sounds. - Teacher asks students to give some words they know containing these sounds. Suggested answers: /t/: plaster, tower, letter, desert, want /d/: need, island, guide, holiday, pagoda T-Ss 5 mins Practice To help students identify and practise the /t/ and /d/ sounds. To help students practise the sounds /t/ and /d/ in sentences. Task 4: Listen and repeat the words. (p. 51) - Teacher asks students to listen to the recording for the first time. - Teacher asks students to listen and repeat the words for the second time. Task 5: Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the bold-typed parts of the words. (p. 51) - Teacher plays the recording for students to listen and asks students to repeat the sentences after they listen (with attention to the bold-typed parts of the words). - Teacher calls some students randomly to read the sentences and gives correction (if necessary). T-Ss T-Ss T-Ss 5 mins Production To give students chance to apply what they have learnt. * Game: Whispering - Teacher divides the class into 4 big groups and asks students to stand in four lines. - The member in the last place will make a sentence containing at least a word and a sound they have learnt; then, whisper the sentence to the next member of the group. - They will continue until the member in the first place and this member will say the sentence aloud. - The fastest group with the correct sentence will win the game. Suggested sentences: I must bring a plaster when going camping. I want to visit a famous desert in the world. He lives in a quiet island. Group work 5 mins Consolidation To consolidate what students have learnt in the lesson. Teacher asks students to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson. T-Ss 2 mins Homework To revise what they have learnt. Find 5 more words with the sound /t/ and 5 more words with the sound /d/. Write them down and practise pronouncing the words. T-Ss 1 min UNIT 5: NATURAL WONDERS OF VIET NAM Lesson 3: A closer look 2 Countable & uncountable nouns Modal verbs: must and musn’t I. Objectives By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: 1. Knowledge - Use countable nouns and uncountable nouns - Use quantifiers some, many, much, a few, a little with countable nouns and uncountable nouns - Use “must” and “mustn’t” to make classroom rules 2. Core competence - Develop communication skills and creativity - Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork - Actively join in class activities 3. Personal qualities - Develop self-study skills II. Materials - Grade 6 textbook, Unit 5, A closer look 2 - Computer connected to the internet - Projector/ TV/ pictures and set of word cards - Language analysis Form Meaning - some, many, a few + countable noun - some, much, a little + uncoutable nouns - Countable nouns are for the people and things we can count using numbers. Countable nouns can be singular: a rock, an island ..., or plural: rocks, islands ... - Uncountable nouns are for the things that we cannot count with numbers. They usually do not have a plural form: cream, chocolate ... - subject + must + base form - subject + mustn’t + base form We use must to say that something is very necessary or very important. E.g. I must walk the dog when I get home. E.g. You must answer all of the questions. We use mustn't to say that doing something is not allowed. E.g. Students mustn't take mobile phones into the exam room. Anticipated difficulties Solutions 1. Students may be confused because some English uncountable nouns are countable in Vietnamese, and vice versa. Show and explain by illustrating with pictures or short videos when native people using uncountable nouns. *Suggested video link 2. Some students will excessively talk in the class. - Define expectation in explicit detail. - Have excessively talkative students practise. - Continue to define expectations in small chunks (before every activity). Board Plan Date of teaching Unit 5: NATURAL WONDERS OF VIET NAM Lesson 3: A closer look 2 * Warm-up Game: Unscrambled words I. Grammar: 1. uncountable nouns don't have a plural form: cream, chocolate... countable nouns can be singular: a rock, an island..., or plural: rocks, islands... 2. some/ many/ a few + countable nouns some/ much/ a little + uncountable nouns 3. subject + must + base form subject + mustn’t + base form II. Practice: Task 1: Is the underlined noun countable or uncountable? Task 2: Choose the correct option for each sentence. Task 3: Fill each blank with must or mustn’t. Task 4: Making classroom rules. * Homework: Exercise 3 (p. 52) Procedure Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time Warm-up To put students into English mode: attentive, interested and ready to participate; and to prepare the class for a new topic. * Game: Unscrambled words - Teacher divides the class into groups of 3-6 students. - Teacher delivers a set of unscrambled words of which some are countable nouns and some are uncountable nouns to each group. - Students will have to work in groups to solve the quiz. - The group with more correct words will be the winner. Answer key: 1. cream 2. rock 3. island 4. rice 5. juice 6. butter 7. backpack 8. plaster T-Ss Group work 4 mins Lead-in To get students interested and find out what they have already known. - Teacher writes on the board 2 words: “Countable” and “Uncountable”. - Teacher draws students’ attention to the words finished in the game and ask them whether they know the types of these words. - Teacher gives them the word cards and requires students to identify the category of each word. - Teacher provides or confirms the answers and lead in the grammar focus of the lesson: “The words “cream, rice, juice, butter” are uncountable nouns. The words “rock, island, backpack, plaster” are countable nouns. Today we are going to learn more about countable and uncountable nouns.” T-Ss 3 mins Presentation 1 To elicit/ show the students when and how uncountable and countable nouns are used in sentences as well as when and how the quantifiers are used. 1. Countable and Uncountable Nouns: Task 1: Is the underlined noun countable or uncountable? Write C (countable) or U (uncountable). (p. 51) - Teacher has students complete the underlining activity individually. - Teacher then asks students to swap their textbooks to check their classmates’ answers. Answer key: 1 – C 2 – U 3 – U 4 – C 5 – U - Teacher draws students’ attention to the underlined words and confirm the use of countable and uncountable nouns “Countable nouns are for the people and things we can count using numbers. Countable nouns can be singular. Uncountable nouns are for the things that we cannot count with numbers. They usually do not have a plural form.” - Teacher then asks students to give some more examples of uncountable nouns that they know. - Teacher reminds students of the definition of countable nouns. “Countable nouns are for the people and things we can count using numbers”. Some English uncountable nouns are countable in Vietnamese. (E.g. advice, furniture) 2. Some, many, much, a few, a little: - Teacher gives students handouts of quantifiers and their usages. - Teacher has students work in groups of 4 to match the the quantifiers with their usages. Answer key: QUANTIFIERS USE 1. many countable nouns, usually in negative statements and questions 2. much uncountable nouns, usually in negative statements and questions 3. a few countable nouns, means ‘some’ 4. a little uncountable nouns, means ‘some’ 5. some countable nouns, uncountable nouns - Teacher then asks students to exchange their handout to check their classmates’ answers. T-Ss Ss-Ss T-Ss T-Ss T-Ss Ss-Ss 6 mins 5 mins Controlled Practice 1 To check if students can use countable, uncountable nouns and quantifiers correctly. Task 2: Choose the correct option for each sentence. (p. 52) - Teacher has students work on the exercise individually before they compare the answers with each other. - Teacher gives feedback as a class discussion. Answer key: A B A B A T-Ss 5 mins Presentation 2 To elicit/ show the students when must and mustn't are used and how to make a sentence with these modals. - Students are asked to watch a video concerning school rules and answer the question “What school rules are there in the video? *Video link: - Teacher provides each pair of students with a copy of the script and the students watch the video a second time checking on the script and highlighting the word(s) before each school rule. - After watching the video, teacher elicits and discusses what rules students could understand in the video. - This will allow the students to begin to identify the language item without a grammar explanation. - After gathering answers from students, teacher briefly summarizes the language item: “We use must to say that something is very necessary or very important.” “We use mustn’t to say that doing something is not allowed.” - Teacher asks students to write the form of this targeted grammar into their notebook and make up from 1 to 2 sentences according to their understading. - Teacher calls out 1 – 2 students to read aloud their answers and check immediately in class. T-Ss Ss-Ss T-Ss T-Ss 5 mins 2 mins Controlled Practice 2 To give written consolidation of the grammar and to use the grammar correctly. Task 4: Fill each blank with must or mustn’t. (p. 52) - Teacher has students work on the exercise individually before they compare answers with each other. - Teacher gives feedback as a class discussion. Answer key: must musn’t must mustn’t must T-Ss 5 mins Freer Practice 2 To give students speaking practice to use must and mustn’t correctly to make a set of rules in school. Task 5. Write some more rules for you and your classmates at school. (p. 52) - Teacher divides the class into groups of 6 students. - Teacher assigns the roles for each member by asking quetions: + Who's leader? + Who are rules makers / idea thinkers? + Who's a note taker? + Who's a presenter? - Teacher asks students to work in group and make at least 3 classroom rules in 3 minutes. - After that, the presenter of each team goes to the board and present their rules. - The other teams listen and give comments on their friends’ ideas. - Teacher gives complement or good mark to the group with suitable rules after getting suggestions/ comments from the class. T-Ss Ss-Ss 8 mins Recap To consolidate what students have learnt in the lesson. Teacher asks students to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson. T-Ss 1 min Homework To reactivate the knowledge that students have gained. Teacher shows the QR code and link of Kahoot and asks students play the games as many times as they can to remember the words/ phrases and modal verbs they have learned in the lessons. T-Ss 1 min UNIT 5: NATURAL WONDERS OF VIET NAM Lesson 4: Communication I. Objectives By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain: 1. Knowledge - Make and accept appointments - Have knowledge about a travel guide - Use must and mustn’t to talk about what to prepare for a trip 2. Core competence - Develop communication skills and creativity - Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work - Actively join in class activities 3. Personal qualities - Be ready to make and share ideas among classmates - Develop self-study skills II. Materials - Grade 6 textbook, Unit 5, Communication - Computer connected to the internet - Projector/ TV/ pictures and cards - Anticipated difficulties Solutions 1. Students may lack knowledge about the necessary things they must bring and what to prepare for a trip. Provide students with information they do not know. 2. Students may have underdeveloped reading, speaking and co-operating skills. - Encourage students to work in pairs, in groups so that they can help each other. - Provide feedback and help if necessary. 3. Some students will excessively talk in the class. - Define expectation in explicit detail. - Have excessively talkative students practise. - Continue to define expectations in small chunks (before every activity). Board Plan Date of teaching UNIT 5: NATURAL WONDERS OF VIET NAM Lesson 4: Communication * Warm-up GAME: Pass the ball I. Everyday English: Task 1: Listen and read the conversation, paying attention to the highlighted

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