Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 (Global success) - Unit 6: Our Tet holiday
II. Materials
- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 6, Getting started
- Computer connected to the internet
- Projector/ TV/ pictures, cards, CD disk and cassette
Bạn đang xem trước 20 trang mẫu tài liệu Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 (Global success) - Unit 6: Our Tet holiday, để tải tài liệu gốc về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Lesson 1: Getting started – Happy New Year!
I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Get an overview about the topic Our Tet holiday
Use the lexical items related to “Tet”
Use the vocabulary and structures to describe things and activities at Tet
2. Core competence
- Develop communication skills and creativity
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work
- Actively join in class activities
3. Personal qualities
- Develop self-study skills
- Develop their understanding of Tet holiday
II. Materials
- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 6, Getting started
- Computer connected to the internet
- Projector/ TV/ pictures, cards, CD disk and cassette
Language analysis
Vietnamese equivalent
1. celebrate (v)
to show that a day or an event is important by doing something special on it
tổ chức
2. decorate (v)
to make something look more attractive by putting things on it
trang trí
3. family gathering
(N. phr.)
/ˈfæməli ˈɡæðərɪŋ/
all members of a family meeting together for a social event
sum họp gia đình
4. lucky money
(N. phr.)
/ˈlʌki ˈmʌni/
money placed in a red envelope and given as a gift, usually for Lunar New Year
tiền lì xì
Anticipated difficulties
1. Students may lack knowledge and experiences about the topic.
Prepare some hand-outs in which key language of the key language of describing activities at Tet.
2. Students may have underdeveloped listening,
speaking and co-operating skills.
Play the recording many times if any necessary.
Encourage students to work in pairs, in groups so that they can help each other.
Provide feedback and help if necessary.
Board Plan
Date of teaching
Unit 6: Our Tet Holiday
Lesson 1: Getting started
* Warm-up:
Asking questions relating to Tet
I. Vocabulary:
1. celebrate (v)
2. decorate (v)
3. family gathering (N. phr.)
4. lucky money (N. phr.)
II. Practice:
Task 1: Listen and read. (p. 58)
Task 2: What are Linda and Phong talking about? (p. 59)
Task 3: Complete the sentences about Tet with the information from the
conversation in 1. (p. 59)
Task 4: Match the words/ phrases in the box with the pictures. (p. 59)
Task 5: Game – Is it about Tet? (p. 59)
* Homework
Stage aim
To set the context for the listening and reading text.
To introduce the topic of the unit.
Teacher writes the word TET on the board and ask students to give any words relating to the topic.
Teacher may allow students to give a
Vietnamese word and asks other students in the class if they know the equivalent in
Teacher writes on the corner of the board a list of the words which students cannot
translate into English and asks them to keep a record for later reference when the unit finishes.
Teacher lets students open their books and starts the lesson.
5 mins
Lead in
To help students get the main idea of the text.
Teacher draws students’ attention to the picture in the textbook and asks them questions about the picture:
What are there in the picture?
What do you think about when talking about Tet?
Suggested answers:
1. There is a peach blossom / cherry
blossom tree with red envelopes.
2. Lucky money, new clothes,
2 mins
To provide students the vocabulary.
Teacher introduces the vocabulary by:
+ showing the pictures
illustrating the words;
+ providing the synonym or antonym of the words.
+ providing the definition of the words
celebrate (v): [definition] [picture]
decorate (v): [definition] [picture]
family gathering (N. phr.): [definition] [picture]
lucky money (N. phr.): [picture]
family gathering
lucky money
5 mins
To help students get the main idea of the text.
To help students scan the text for the information to fill the blanks.
To develop students’ knowledge of the
vocabulary of things
relating to Tet.
Task 1: Listen and read. (p. 58)
Teacher asks students to look at the title of the conversation and the picture.
Teacher asks students some brainstorming questions like:
1. What do you think they are talking about?
2. When is Tet?
3. Is it a holiday?
4. What do we do at Tet?
Suggested answers:
1. They are talking about Tet/ New Year.
2. It’s in January/
Yes, it is. We clean our houses, decorate them, meet relatives,
Teacher encourages students to give their answers, but does not confirm whether their answers are right or wrong.
Teacher plays the
recording twice for
students to listen and read along.
Teacher has students underline the words that are related to the topic of the unit while they are listening and reading.
Teacher invites some pairs of students to read the dialogue aloud.
Teacher has students say the words in the text that they think are related to the topic Tet.
Teacher quickly writes the words on one part of the board.
Task 2. What are Linda and Phong talking about? (p. 59)
Teacher asks students what exactly Phong and Linda are talking about.
Teacher lets them read the three options
carefully and see the difference among them.
Teacher confirms the correct answer. (They are talking about Tet in Viet Nam.)
Answer key: B
Task 3: Complete the sentences about Tet with the information from the conversation in 1. (p. 59)
Teacher asks students to work independently to fill each blank with the word(s) from the conversation.
Teacher may instruct them how to do the
exercise and model with the first sentence.
E.g.: In sentence 1, we need to fill the time of Tet this year;
Answer key:
1. January 2. houses
3. gatherings
4. lucky money 5. break
Task 4: Match the words/ phrases in the box with the pictures.
(p. 59)
Teacher lets students look at the pictures first to see if they know the English words for them.
Teacher then allows students to read the words / phrases in the box and do the
Teacher checks the answers as a class.
Answer key:
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. d
15 mins
To allow students’
opportunities to recognize what is related to Tet through a fun game.
Task 5: Game – Is it about Tet? (p. 59)
Teacher allows students some time to read the instruction and the example.
Teacher demonstrates the game by saying a word/ phrase aloud and ask students if it’s about Tet or not.
Teacher lets students write down two things/ activities.
Teacher goes round and helps if needed.
Teacher divides the class into 2 or 4 teams and lets them compete each other. The teams can play Rock – Paper – Scissors to decide which team goes first.
Which team gets more correct words is the winner.
15 mins
To consolidate what students have learnt in the lesson.
Teacher asks one or two students to tell the class what they have learnt.
Teacher asks students to say aloud some words they remember from the lesson.
If there is an overhead projector in the
classroom, show the dialogue, highlight the keywords related to the topic. It would be
helpful if teacher also highlights in the
dialogue should/ shouldn’t, some/ any at the end and tells students that they will learn these language points in the following lessons.
2 mins
To prepare vocabulary for the next lesson: A closer look 1.
Teacher lists out 10 words/ phrases you can think of when talking about Tet.
The students can use the words from the Warm-up activity and look up the words they don’t know in English.
1 min
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
Extend and practice vocabulary related to "Tet": things, activities and practices
Pronounce and recognize the sounds /s/ and /∫/
2. Core competence
- Develop communication skills and creativity
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work
- Actively join in class activities
3. Personal qualities
- Be ready to make share ideas among classmates
- Develop self-study skills
II. Materials
- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 6, A closer look 1
- Computer connected to the internet
- Projector/ TV/ pictures
Language analysis
Vietnamese equivalent
1. visit relatives
/ˈvɪzɪt ˈrelətɪv/
come to the place where the family members live
thăm họ hàng
2. make a wish
/meɪk ə wɪʃ/
to wish/ ask for something you really want
thực hiện 1 điều ước
3. clean the furniture
/kliːn ðə ˈfɜːnɪtʃə(r)/
make the things in our house free from dirt
dọn dẹp đồ đạc (trong nhà)
Anticipated difficulties
1. Students may lack knowledge about some lexical items.
Provide students with the meaning and pronunciation of some lexical items.
2. Students may have underdeveloped listening,
speaking and co-operating skills.
Play the recording many times if any necessary.
Encourage students to work in pairs, in groups so that they can help each other.
Provide feedback and help if necessary.
3. Some students will excessively talk in the class.
Define expectation in explicit detail.
Have excessive talking students practise.
Continue to define expectations in small chunks (before every activity).
Board Plan
Date of teaching
Unit 6: Our Tet holiday
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
* Warm-up
Task 1: Name the pictures. (p. 60)
I. Vocabulary
have fun
visit relatives
give lucky money
make a wish
clean the furniture
watch fireworks
Task 2: Match the verbs with the nouns. (p. 60)
Task 3: Complete the sentences with the words in the box. (p. 60)
II. Pronunciation
Task 4: Listen and repeat the words. (p. 60)
Task 5: Listen and repeat the poem. Pay attention to the sounds /s/ and /ʃ/ in the underlined words. (p. 60)
III. Production
Sentence race
* Homework
Stage aim
To activate students’ prior knowledge and vocabulary related to the topic, the targeted vocabularies and its pronunciation.
Task 1: Game - Name the pictures:
Teacher divides students into 4 groups.
Teacher gives 5 words/ phrases in random
order on the board:
furniture - fireworks - fun - special food - wish
Then teacher shows pictures one by one and asks students to raise hands to give the
correct words and their spelling.
The group raising their hands the fastest will get the chance to answer first.
Teacher gives 10 points for the group that gives the correct answers.
The group getting the highest points will be the winner.
Answer key:
special food
5 mins
Lead in
To lead in the lesson about vocabulary and ronunciation.
Teacher tells the students to look at the word and phrase and pay attention at the sound /s/ and /∫/: wish /wɪʃ/ and special food /ˈspeʃl fuːd/.
Teacher leads students into the lesson by
telling them that “In today lesson, we are going to learn more words and phrases to talk about Tet activities and two sounds /s/ and /∫/.”
2 mins
To teach students how to combine a verb with a noun to talk about Tet
Task 2: Match the verbs with the nouns. (p. 60)
Teacher explains to students that some verbs and nouns goes together and some don’t, e.g. plant / decorate + a tree, but not cook + a tree.
Teacher writes a verb on the board (e.g. read) and asks students to match the verb with as many nouns as they can find (e.g. read a book / novel / magazine / story / etc.)
Teacher asks students to look at the verbs in the verbs box first and see what nouns in the Nouns box they can go with.
Teacher asks students to do the matching
independently. Then teacher allows them to share with their partner.
Teacher checks the answers as a class.
Answer key:
1. f (have fun)
2. e (visit relatives)
3. d (give lucky money)
4. a (make a wish)
5. c (clean the furniture)
6. b (watch fireworks)
5 mins
To revise the words learnt in context.
Task 3: Complete the sentences with the words in the box. (p. 60)
Teacher asks students to work independently or in pairs.
Teacher encourages them to read the
sentences carefully and look for clues so that they can choose the right word to complete each sentence. E.g. In sentence 1, we need a verb after the subject we. We have two verbs in the box, clean and celebrate. Only celebrate can go with Tet. So the correct word is celebrate.
Teacher checks the answers as a class.
Teacher may call on some students to read the sentences aloud.
Answer key:
1. celebrate
2. peach
3. clean
4. shopping
5. food
5 mins
(Pre-teach the sounds /əʊ/ and /aʊ/).
/s/ and /∫/
Teacher introduces 2 sounds /s/ and /∫/ to students and lets them watch a video about how to pronounce these two sounds.
Teacher asks students to give some words containing these sounds.
Suggested answers:
/s/: see, sun, say, swim,
/∫/: show, should, shower, wash,
T- Ss
5 mins
To help students
identify how to pronounce the sounds /s/ and /∫/ and practise pronouncing these
sounds in words.
To help students pronounce the sounds /s/ and /∫/ correctly in context.
Task 4: Listen and repeat the words. (p. 60)
Teacher may write two Vietnamese words on the board first, e.g. xách and sách.
Teacher asks students to say the words aloud and draw their attention to the
difference in the pronunciation of x and s.
Teacher writes the words see and she
under the words xách and sách and read aloud the four words.
Teacher lets students elicit the difference in the two sounds /s/ and /∫/ in English.
Teacher has some students read out the words first. Then play the recording and ask students to listen and repeat.
Teacher plays the recording as many times as necessary.
Teacher calls on some students to check.
Audio script:
Task 5: Listen and repeat the poem. Pay attention to the sounds /s/ and /ʃ/ in the underlined words. (p. 60)
Teacher plays the recording for students to listen to the poem. Then play the recording again for them to listen and repeat.
Teacher asks students some time to practise reading the poem among themselves.
Ask them to pay attention to the underlined words with the /s/ and /∫/ sounds. Go around and correct pronunciation if needed.
Teacher asks for some volunteers to stand up and read the poem aloud.
Audio script:
Spring is coming!
Tet is coming!
She sells peach flowers.
Her cheeks shine.
Her eyes smile.
Her smile is shy.
She sells peach flowers.
15 mins
To give students chance to
apply what they have learnt.
Game: Sentence race
Teacher divides the class into 4 big teams.
All the teams have to produce the longest sentence that contains the most /s/ and /∫/ sounds in 5 minutes. Then, each team takes turn to present their sentence, which team has the longest sentence that has the most /s/ and /∫/ sounds wins.
Suggested sentences: The tongue twister: Seashells
She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
The shells she sells are surely seashells.
So if she sells shells on the seashore.
I'm sure she sells seashore shells.
Group work
5 mins
To consolidate what students have learnt in the lesson.
Teacher asks students to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.
2 mins
To revise what they have learnt.
Find 5 new words that haven’t been mentioned in the lesson with the sound /s/ and /∫/. Write them down and practice pronouncing the words.
1 min
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
should / shouldn’t & some / any
I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
Use should and shouldn’t to make advice
Use some and any to talk about quantity
2. Core competence
- Develop communication skills and creativity
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work
- Actively join in class activities
3. Personal qualities
Develop self-study skills
II. Materials
- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 6, A closer look 2
- Computer connected to the internet
- Projector/ TV/ pictures
Language analysis
Give advice or to talk about what we think is right or wrong.
some is used for positive.
any is used for questions and negatives.
Both may be used with countable and uncountable nouns.
Anticipated difficulties
1. Students may lack knowledge and experiences about the topic.
Prepare some hand-outs in which key language of the key language of describing Tet holiday.
2. Some students will excessively talk in the class.
Define expectation in explicit detail.
Have excessive talking students practise.
Continue to define expectations in small chunks (before every activity).
Board Plan
Date of teaching
Unit 6: Our Tet holiday
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
* Warm-up
Make up sentences with “There is / There are”
I. Grammar focus
1. should / shouldn’t
2. some / any
II. Practice:
Task 1: Look at the signs at the library and complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t. (p. 61)
Task 2: Tick the activities children should do at Tet and cross the ones they shouldn’t. (p. 61)
Task 3: Tick the activities children should do at Tet and cross the ones they shouldn’t do. (p. 61)
Task 4: Complete the sentences with some and any.
III. Production:
Task 5: Work in pairs. Look at the fridge. Make sentences with the words / phrases provided, using some or any.
* Homework
Stage aim
To activate students’ prior knowledge and vocabulary related to the targeted grammar and to increase
students interest.
* Activity 1:
Teacher shows the pictures from the last lesson to revise the words that students have learnt:
special food
Then teacher asks students to make
sentences with There is / There are.
Suggested answers:
There are fireworks.
There are spring rolls.
Teacher can explicit the targeted grammar by saying: “We can add some or any into these sentences.” and then say some examples.
* Activity 2:
Teacher asks students about some activities the student learned in the last lesson.
1. visit relatives
2. give lucky money
3. make a wish
Then teacher can say: “We can add should and shouldn’t when we talk about the things we think that it’s right or wrong. E.g.: “We should visit relatives at Tet.”
Group work
5 mins
Lead in
To introduce targeted grammar of “should / shouldn’t” and “some / any”.
Teacher leads students into the lesson by
telling them that “In today lesson, we are
going to learn more about how to use “should/ shouldn’t” and “some/ any.”
2 mins
Should / shouldn’t
Teacher asks students to look at the picture and asks them some questions to exploit the situation leading to the use of should / shouldn’t, e.g. Where are they? Why is Nam wearing a raincoat? What will happen if Nam comes into the kitchen with his raincoat still on? then writes the mother’s saying on the board and underlines the word shouldn’t.
Teacher writes In the classroom on the board.
Teacher sticks pieces of paper with the words run, keep quiet, make noise, etc.
below it and ask students for simply Yes (to show it can be done in the classroom) or No if not. If the answer is Yes, tick the word. If No, cross the word. Keep them on the board for later use.
Some/ Any:
By this time, students have seen/ used some and any already. This is just a summary of their use.
Teacher asks students to read the yellow grammar box.
Teacher tells them to pay attention to the phrases in bold in the sentences to see how some and any are used differently (positive, negative, and question).
Teacher reminds them that some and any can be used with both countable/
uncountable nouns. When they go with countable nouns, the nouns are always in plural.
10 mins
To give students more opportunities to practise the use of should / shouldn’t in real context.
To help students see what activity is good / not good to be done at Tet.
To help students form sentences using should/ shouldn’t.
To give students some controlled practice on the use of some/ any.
Task 1: Look at the signs at the library and complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t. (p. 61)
Teacher writes the word LIBRARY on the board and asks students to say what they should/ shouldn’t do when they are in a library.
Teacher then asks students to look at the four signs in the library and lets them complete the sentences.
Teacher asks them to swap their answers with a partner.
Teacher calls students to read aloud the
sentences and checks their answers as a class.
If there is still time, teacher asks students to refer to the notes of In the classroom on the board and practise saying the sentences with should/ shouldn’t.
Answer key:
1. should
2. shouldn’t
3. should
4. shouldn’t
Teacher asks students to look at Remember! box and allow them one minute to memorise it.
Task 2: Tick the activities children should do at Tet and cross the ones they shouldn’t. (p. 61)
Teacher asks students to look at the pictures and read the phrases under the pictures.
Teacher then ticks (it’s good) or cross (it’s not good) each picture. The pictures help make the meanings of the phrases clear.
Teacher checks the answers as a class.
Suggested answer:
1. ü 2. × 3. ü 4. × 5. ü 6. ü
7. × 8. ×
Task 3: Tick the activities children should do at Tet and cross the ones they shouldn’t do. (p. 61)
This activity allows students to produce sentences with the target language of should / shouldn’t, using the prompts in Task 2.
Teacher asks students to use the tick and cross for each activity in Task 2 and the examples on the board to help.
Teacher goes round and gives help if needed.
Teacher makes sure students combine should/ shouldn’t and the main verb
Teacher makes sure they pronounce the words should and shouldn’t correctly too.
Teacher checks the answers as a class.
Task 4: Complete the sentences with some and any.
Teacher applies the rules in the box.
Teacher asks students to look for clues (+ or - / ? sentences) and decides whether to use some or any.
Teacher checks their answers as a class and explain the choice.
Answer key:
1. some, some
2. any, any
3. any, some
18 mins
To give students much freer practice with some/ any in real context.
Task 5: Game – What’s there in the fridge?
Teacher divides the class into 4 groups.
Teacher asks students to look at the fridge and read the example.
Teacher draws students’ attention to the change of the verb be in the use with some or any (in the examples).
Teacher reads out loud the things in the fridge, and also the things that aren’t in the fridge (to practice negative form). The team which raise their hands the fastest will get the chance to answer. Each correct answer gets 10 points. à The team with the most points in the winner.
Suggested answers:
1. There are some eggs (in the fridge).
2. There is some fruit juice. / There are some packs of fruit juice.
3. There are not any apples.
4. There is not any bread.
5. There are some bananas.
6. There is some cheese.
7 mins
To consolidate what students have learnt in the lesson.
Teacher summarises the main grammar points of the lesson.
Teacher uses the classroom to demonstrate some
actions and students comment, using should / shouldn’t.
E.g. Open the door and window when the conditioner is on, put your legs on the table, play the recording loud, cough...
Students respond: You shouldn’t put your legs on the table, etc.
Teacher takes some books and show to students. Students respond by saying: You have some books.
Teacher puts all the books down and shows the hands without any books.
Students respond by saying: You don’t have any books.
2 mins
Reactivate the knowledge that students have gained.
Write 5 rules that students should and shouldn’t do at home.
Write 5 things available in their house’s fridge, and 5 things unavailable.
1 min
Lesson 4: Communication
I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
Introduce New Year’s wishes
Introduce students to some New Year’s practices in other countries
2. Core competence
- Develop communication skills and creativity
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work
- Actively join in class activities
3. Personal qualities
- Be ready to make share ideas among classmates
- Develop self-study skills
II. Materials
- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 6, Communication
- Computer connected to the internet
- Projector/ TV/ pictures and cards
Language analysis
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