Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Unit 9: What did you see at the zoo? - Lesson 1 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường TH Ngọc Thủy

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Đội chiến thắng là đội đã về đích đầu tiên sẽ nhận được một phần quà từ ban tổ chức !

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Bạn đang xem trước 20 trang mẫu tài liệu Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Unit 9: What did you see at the zoo? - Lesson 1 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường TH Ngọc Thủy, để tải tài liệu gốc về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
WELCOME TO OUR CLASS5A5Ngoc Thuy Primary SchoolTuesday, December 10th 2019WARM UP :Watch the videoLet’s talk2Let’s talkpythonscrocodilesNEW WORDS:peacocksgorillasTuesday,December 10th 2019UNIT 9:WHAT DID YOU SEE AT THE ZOO ? Lesson 1(1,2,3)2CHECK NEW WORDS:UNIT 9:WHAT DID YOU SEE AT THE ZOO ? Lesson 1(1,2,3)1. lionsThe Bees find honey6.crocodiles4.gorillas3.peacocks2.pyphonsabcdef5.monkeys 1. Look, listen and repeatUNIT 9:WHAT DID YOU SEE AT THE ZOO ? Lesson 1(1,2,3)UNIT 9:WHAT DID YOU SEE AT THE ZOO ? Lesson 1(1,2,3)I went to the zoo.I didn’t see you yesterday. Where did you go? 1. Look, listen and repeatUNIT 9:WHAT DID YOU SEE AT THE ZOO ? Lesson 1(1,2,3)I saw a baby elephant and some other animals .What did you see at the zoo? 1. Look, listen and repeatUNIT 9:WHAT DID YOU SEE AT THE ZOO ? Lesson 1(1,2,3)Yes,I did.They were really noisy!Did you see any monkeys? 1. Look, listen and repeatUNIT 9:WHAT DID YOU SEE AT THE ZOO ? Lesson 1(1,2,3)Yes,They were really fast!Did you see any tigers? 1. Look, listen and repeatWhat did you see at the zoo?I saw elephants .Model sentence:Let’s talk2Let’s talkLet’s talk 2. Point and sayWhat did you see at the zoo?I saw crocodilesgorillasUNIT 9:WHAT DID YOU SEE AT THE ZOO ? Lesson 1(1,2,3)pythonspeacocksLet’s talk2Let’s talkLet’s talk 2. Point and sayWhat did you see at the zoo?I saw1234UNIT 9:WHAT DID YOU SEE AT THE ZOO ? Lesson 1(1,2,3)crocodilesgorillaspythonspeacocksLet’s talk2Let’s talkLet’s talk 2. Point and say Check:GAMEUNIT 9:WHAT DID YOU SEE AT THE ZOO ? Lesson 1(1,2,3)Đua xe về đíchCó 3 đội chơi:+đội xe xanh dương+đội xe đỏ+đội xe xanh lụcCác đội sẽ lựa chọn số cho đội mình.Hỏi và rả lời đúng sẽ được tiến 1 bước.Nếu sai không được đi tiếp. Và thời gian đặt câu hỏi và trả lời cho mỗi câu là 10 giây.Đội chiến thắng là đội đã về đích đầu tiên sẽ nhận được một phần quà từ ban tổ chức ! Chúc các bạn may mắn!Luật chơi:Click to Red Car Move MakeClick to Make Blue Car MoveClick to Make Green Car Move12323459111012136714158161When did you go to the zoo?3.LET’S TALKI went there UNIT 9:WHAT DID YOU SEE AT THE ZOO ? Lesson 1(1,2,3)What did you see at the zoo?I saw 2Consolidation (?)What did you see at the zoo?UNIT 9:WHAT DID YOU SEE AT THE ZOO ? Lesson 1(1,2,3) I sawHOMEWORK Learn by heart new words. Prepare the new lesson.Good bye!See you next time!.Let’s talk21Let’s talk2Let’s talk254321Time out67981054321Time out67981054321Time out67981054321Time out67981054321Time out67981054321Time out67981054321Time out67981054321Time out67981054321Time out67981054321Time out67981054321Time out67981054321Time out67981054321Time out67981054321Time out67981054321Time out67981054321Time out679810

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